

It is much easier to make a list with the objects of daily life made with minerals, than one with those that do not have any mineral component. The use we give to minerals is so great that we could practically not live without them.

In everything that has to do with cables and electricity, nobody beats copper (Cu)

Building :
The construction of a house and the implementation of its basic service facilities demand a large amount of mineral substances.

Non-motorized transport:
Minerals are also found in non-motorized transport, including iron, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, bromine, among others.

Motorized Transport:
Minerals are present in transport systems. They are used in the manufacture of cars, planes, ships, trains, among others.
Agriculture: A tractor used in agriculture; it requires many elements extracted from minerals for its manufacture such as zinc, aluminum, magnesium, among others.
According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the 5 most used metals in the world are zinc, manganese, copper, aluminum and iron.